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L1 and L2 Blockchains – Upcoming Projects and What’s Next?

The world of blockchain is buzzing with innovations aimed at making it faster and cheaper to use. At the heart of this evolution are Layer 1 (L1) and Layer 2 (L2) solutions

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L1 and L2 Blockchains Upcoming Projects

The world of blockchain is buzzing with innovations aimed at making it faster and cheaper to use. At the heart of this evolution are Layer 1 (L1) and Layer 2 (L2) solutions. These layers represent different ways of improving blockchain’s efficiency without sacrificing its core benefits like security and decentralisation. In this blog, we’ll look at some exciting projects in the L1 and L2 arena and explore what the future holds.

What Are L1 and L2?

The blockchain universe operates on multiple layers, each contributing to the network’s functionality and efficiency. Among these, Layer 1 (L1) and Layer 2 (L2) are crucial for understanding how transactions are processed and how blockchain platforms aim to improve user experience. Let’s delve deeper into what these layers represent and why they matter.

The Foundation: Layer 1 (L1)

Layer 1, often referred to as the base layer, is the fundamental level of a blockchain network. This is where the primary protocols and rules are established, ensuring transactions are securely processed and recorded. Here’s what happens at this layer:

What is L1 and L2 chain


  • Transaction Processing: All transactions initiated by users are processed directly within this layer.
  • Consensus Mechanism: The L1 houses the consensus mechanism, which is the method used to validate transactions and achieve agreement among network nodes.
  • Security Framework: The security infrastructure ensuring that transactions are tamper-proof and authentic is embedded within L1.
  • Blockchain Protocol: The core protocol defining the blockchain’s operations, like how blocks are created and how data is stored, is part of L1.

Building Up: Layer 2 (L2)

Layer 2 is like an extension built on top of Layer 1 to address some of its limitations without altering the core protocol. Here’s what L2 brings to the table:

  • Transaction Efficiency: L2 solutions help in bundling or batching transactions, thus significantly reducing the load on the network and making transactions quicker.
  • Cost Reduction: By handling transactions off the main chain, L2 solutions can drastically reduce transaction fees, making blockchain usage more affordable.
  • Scalability: L2 opens doors for the network to process a higher number of transactions per second, which is essential for widespread adoption.
  • Innovative Solutions: Through L2, innovative solutions like state channels and rollups are introduced, each with unique benefits for different use cases.

The Complementing Roles

Layer 1 and Layer 2 are not competitors but companions in blockchain evolution. While L1 provides a solid foundation ensuring security and stability, L2 strives to improve the user experience by reducing costs and increasing transaction speed. Here’s how they complement each other:

  • Shared Security: L2 solutions leverage the security provisions of L1, ensuring that transactions remain secure even when processed off-chain.
  • Enhanced Performance: With L2, the performance of the network gets a boost without compromising the fundamental principles established by L1.
  • User-Friendly Applications: The combination of L1 and L2 allows for the creation of user-friendly applications, broadening the appeal and accessibility of blockchain technology.
  • Adaptive Infrastructure: L2 solutions can be seen as an adaptive layer enabling blockchain networks to evolve with growing user demands and technological advancements, while L1 remains the unchanging bedrock ensuring integrity and trust.

Noteworthy L2 Projects

Layer 2 (L2) solutions have become the center of attention in the quest for scaling blockchain networks. By operating on top of Layer 1 (L1) blockchains, they promise to alleviate the longstanding issues of slow transaction speeds and high costs. In this section, we’ll dive deeper into some prominent L2 projects that are making waves in the blockchain arena.

1. Arbitrum and Optimism:

Arbitrum and Optimism are both spearheading the movement to bring more efficiency to the Ethereum blockchain using a method called rollups. Here’s how they stand out:

Rollups: The essence of rollups is about gathering multiple transactions, processing them off-chain, and then submitting a single proof to the L1. This approach saves space on the blockchain, thereby reducing fees and speeding up transactions.

Comparison: While both Arbitrum and Optimism utilize optimistic rollups, their implementations may differ. Optimistic rollups assume transactions are valid unless proven otherwise, offering a balance between efficiency and security.

2. zkSync and StarkNet:


Starknet Ecosystem

Unlike the above two, zkSync and StarkNet utilize zk-Rollups, a flavor of rollup technology that emphasizes privacy along with efficiency.

zk-Rollups: The “zk” stands for zero-knowledge, a type of proof that allows one party to prove to another that a statement is true, without conveying any additional information. This feature is crucial for privacy-focused applications and users.

Advancements: By employing zk-Rollups, both zkSync and StarkNet offer a privacy-preserving, scalable solution for Ethereum, enhancing not just speed and cost but also user privacy.

3. Polygon:

Polygon has emerged as a multifaceted L2 solution offering a range of interoperable blockchain networks.

Adoption: Major platforms and even mainstream companies have started adopting Polygon for its efficient transaction processing and strong security guarantees.

Features: Its flexible architecture allows for both stand-alone networks and networks that leverage the security and decentralization of existing blockchains like Ethereum.

Ethereum’s Big Leap – Unpacking Layer 2 Innovations

Ethereum aims to overcome scalability challenges through Layer 2 (L2) solutions. These innovations handle transactions off the main chain, promising faster, cost-effective operations without losing Ethereum’s core essence.

Layer 2 to the Rescue

Optimistic Rollups: Assume transactions are valid unless challenged, with projects like Optimism and Arbitrum leading the charge.

zk-Rollups: Process transactions off-chain, submit proof on-chain. Notable projects include zkSync and StarkNet.

The Rising L2 Adoption

The growing transaction volume on L2 chains like Optimism and Arbitrum indicates a promising shift towards L2 solutions, offering a remedy for Ethereum’s scalability issues.

Ethereum’s Ongoing Evolution

The transition to Ethereum 2.0, along with the synergy between L1 and L2 technologies, stands to significantly enhance Ethereum’s scalability and performance.

Future Implications

  • Cross-chain Interoperability: L2 advances foster seamless interactions between Ethereum and other blockchains.
  • Reduced Fees and Enhanced UX: Lower transaction fees and better user experiences are critical for mass adoption.
  • Fertile Ground for dApp Development: Improved scalability encourages more dApp development on Ethereum, enriching the ecosystem.

A Peek into L1 Innovations

In the quest for better scalability, security, and efficiency, several Layer 1 (L1) blockchain projects are bringing innovative solutions to the table. Let’s delve a bit deeper into some of these groundbreaking initiatives:


  • Unique Consensus Protocol: Avalanche employs a novel consensus mechanism known as Avalanche Consensus that operates without leaders, enhancing decentralization and enabling rapid finality. This technology drastically reduces the time it takes to confirm transactions.
  • Subnets: The Subnet architecture allows for the creation of many interoperable blockchains within the Avalanche ecosystem. Each Subnet can have its own set of validators, making it a highly flexible and customizable solution for various use cases.


  • Interoperability: Cronos aims to act as a bridge between the Ethereum and Cosmos ecosystems, enabling assets and data to flow seamlessly between different blockchains. This interoperability unlocks new possibilities for developers and users alike.
  • EVM Compatibility: By maintaining compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), Cronos allows developers to deploy existing Ethereum dApps in a new, scalable environment with minimal modifications.

Aptos and Sui:


  • AptosBFT Consensus: Aptos introduces AptosBFT, a new consensus algorithm aiming to enhance security and scalability while ensuring high transaction throughput.
  • Block-STM Framework: Aptos also brings forth a parallel execution framework, Block-STM, that enables smart contracts to process transactions concurrently, boosting the network’s efficiency.


  • Transaction Handling: Sui adopts innovative solutions for managing transactions, including a split between simple and complex transactions to optimize processing speed and security.

Modular Blockchains: A Glimpse of Future

Emerging from the continuous evolvement of blockchain technology is the concept of Modular Blockchains. This new design paradigm seeks to enhance blockchain efficiency by delegating different functions to different sets of nodes.

Mantle by BitDAO:

Mantle by BitDAO


  • Decentralized Layering: Mantle exemplifies the modular blockchain concept by separating execution, data availability, and transaction finality into separate layers. This separation enables each layer to specialize and optimize its operations, leading to an overall more efficient system.
  • High-performance Ethereum L2: Mantle acts as a high-performance Layer 2 solution for Ethereum, allowing for faster transaction speeds and lower costs while maintaining a high level of security by leveraging Ethereum’s decentralized security model.

Concluding Thoughts

As blockchain tech matures, the spotlight will remain on how to achieve scalability while keeping transactions speedy and affordable. The future of L1 and L2 solutions appears promising with ongoing innovations. They will not only drive the blockchain adoption but also lay down the foundation for more complex applications, especially in decentralized finance (DeFi) domain. As we progress, interoperability and bridges between different L2 platforms will unlock new possibilities, heralding a multi-chain world where blockchains can communicate and transact seamlessly with each other. Through the collective progress in L1 and L2 projects, the blockchain space is surely heading towards a more scalable and user-friendly era.

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