Home » Die SEC sucht den Zuschlag für Bitcoin-ETF-Optionen von Bitwise und Grayscale.

Die SEC sucht den Zuschlag für Bitcoin-ETF-Optionen von Bitwise und Grayscale.

the US Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) is prepared to adopt a regulation modification that would permit exchange-traded

by V. Sinclair
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After considering public input, the US Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) is prepared to adopt a regulation modification that would permit exchange-traded funds (ETFs) backed by Bitcoin to be listed on exchanges and traded on derivatives. The demand created by the trading of options on BITB, GBTC, and other trusts that directly hold Bitcoin was the catalyst for the NYSE’s initial action.

If the plan is accepted, it will signal a turning point in the history of the integration of cryptocurrency goods into the financial markets since exchange-traded funds (ETFs) will allow stock market players new opportunities to profit, hedge, and play with the price of Bitcoin.

According to the proposed amendment, the different Bitcoin ETF options may be traded in a manner similar to that of other ETFs, including commodities options. Dies sollte alle regulatorischen Aspekte umfassen, einschließlich Listing-Mechanismen, Fristen, strike-Preise, strike-Preise, Preisänderungen, unterschiedliche Grenzen, Anforderungen a die Wartung von Kundenakten, Handelspausen und Wiederaufnahmen, usw. Traditionelle Finanzprodukte zeigen auch den wachsenden Wunsch nach Kryptowährung, nicht nur die Zukunft von Bitcoin ETFs.

Regulatory Path and Market Implications

The SEC would consider changing the rule after the approval for listing of spot Bitcoin ETFs on Wall Street for trading which came on January 10, marking a historical move, which for years, had cases of rejection. This evolution may be witnessed as a possible move by the regulatory body towards a friendlier stance towards cryptocurrency products, opening the door for wider options of Bitcoin-based investments in the market. BlackRock, the world’s leading asset manager, has also filed with the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) for rule revision in order for the practices to be listed as Bitcoin ETF. This is one example of institutional interest in such products.

According to James Seyffart, an ETF-Analyst bei Bloomberg, and other experts, the SEC could at the latest make its final decision on the proposed changes. Approval of Bitcoin ETF options trading would not only provide investors with alternative instruments to develop more sophisticated trading strategies, but it would also improve price discovery and liquidity mechanisms for Bitcoin as an asset class.

Michael Sonnenshein, CEO von Grayscale, betont, dass die Approval von derivativenprodukten eine strategische Bedeutung für die Crypto-Industrie hat, da sie investors neue Möglichkeiten bieten, markets zu navigieren und Geld zu verdienen.

Bitwise CEO Announces Major Milestone for Bitcoin ETF

In a related development, Bitwise CEO Hunter Horsely announced a significant milestone for the cryptocurrency investment landscape. The Bitwise Bitcoin ETF, known as BITB, has been made accessible for recommendation by Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) within one of the largest investment advisor networks in the USA, boasting assets under management of $30 billion

Diese Ankündigung markiert einen bedeutenden Fortschritt in der Integration von Kryptowährungsinvestitionen in traditionelle financial advisory services; es bietet institutional investors und ihre Kunden eine regulierte Möglichkeit, Bitcoin in ihre diversifizierten Investitionsportfolios zu integrieren.

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